Tuesday, September 3, 2024

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Will President Trump Be Reelected

Opinion: This Is How Donald Trump Becomes President Again

Less Than Four In Ten Say President Donald Trump Should Be Re-Elected: Poll | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Ever since Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, Ive been among those who believed he would never run for president again. Hed keep the option open for as long as possible to get attention and keep other Republicans genuflecting to him, but he wouldnt go through with it. It would just be too much trouble at his age , and the idea of losing yet again would be too frightening.

But the events of the last few months have increased the likelihood that Trump could survey the landscape and decide that he could waltz right back into the White House if he wanted.

Not because hed get more Americans to vote for him barring some kind of unforeseen catastrophe, its difficult to see that happening. But because his party has so aggressively worked to twist and corrupt the U.S. electoral system, he could clearly lose both the popular and electoral votes and still become president again.

Its too early to say how likely this is, but heres how it could go down.

Step one: Trump decides to run, and obliterates the primary field.

While many Republicans are considering a presidential bid, some of whom are savvy operators, there isnt one who looks remotely like they could defeat Trump in a presidential primary.

Step two: Republican voter suppression measures have an impact.

Step three: GOP state legislatures step in.

Step four: Republicans in the House of Representatives take control.

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“The candidate has to do their part — run hard, run a good campaign, message well,” said McIntosh, whose group is spending heavily to help Budd and several other Trump-endorsed candidates, as well as some he’s not backing. “Then the Trump endorsement is a big thing. It’s like wind behind their sails.”

But there are signs that Trump is getting nervous about some choices. Last month, with polls showing Rep. Mo Brooks falling behind rivals in the Alabama Senate race, Trump revoked his endorsement.

The former president has chosen not to endorse anyone in a number of upcoming contests in which several Republicans tout how close they are to him. There is no Trump-endorsed candidate running in upcoming Senate races in states including Missouri, Ohio, Arizona and Pennsylvania, a sign to some observers that Trump is afraid of choosing eventual losers.

Trump’s initial choice in Pennsylvania dropped out after a child-custody dispute revealed allegations of domestic abuse. He is now staying out despite the fact that the candidates include David McCormick, who is the husband of his former top aide, Dina Powell and who has been endorsed by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas Trump is also close to other candidates there, including Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Donald Trump Presidential Election Odds

Will we see the resurgence of a trump type candidate in 2024? Will it be a version of Trump vs. Biden 2024 Presidential election? So, over the next few years, expect to see the odds changing frequently, but we do believe that the odds will remain fairly split between the two until November 2024.

Currently, Donald Trumps betting odds have him as the third favorite candidate to win the 2024 election, but those seem to be falling by the day with how the coronavirus handling has been going. ÇWhile this is impossible, we do remain confident the Trump era isnt over yet.

Other Trump specials pertaining to the election are to win or lose the popular vote and electoral college.

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What The Current Lines Tell Us About The Chance Of Trump Winning In 2024

The odds suggest that Trump will lose in 2024 , but they offer compelling payouts for bettors who want to take a chance. Still, with the Vegas Trump odds provided, it is difficult for the former POTUS to be considered a sure bet, and he is favored to lose across all three of our top-rated sportsbooks.

Can Trump Run Again In 2024

Fox News Poll: 39 percent of voters think President Trump will be re ...

Yes, he can.

In the US, a president can serve two terms and they can be non-consecutive.

After two terms in office, that’s it.

As the 22nd amendment of the US constitution states, “no person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.”

In four years, Mr Trump will be 78 years old, only a year older than Joe Biden is right now.

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Perhaps his biggest gamble in the state is backing embattled incumbent Attorney General Ken Paxton in his reelection bid. Paxton, a leader in national legal efforts to overturn the election, will face off against Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush — the only prominent member of the Bush family to embrace Trump — in a May 24 runoff where both candidates tout their ties to the former president.

Several Republican strategists who spoke with ABC News on condition of anonymity say Trump appears to them to have lost king-making status. While his endorsement alone could vault a candidate to office in previous cycles, his diminished megaphone and focus on relitigating 2020 hurt him when taking on established GOP figures, particularly those who don’t define themselves as “never-Trump,” they say.

In Maryland, where Hogan is term-limited, Trump has endorsed state Rep. Dan Cox for governor. Cox attended the Jan. 6 “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington and tweeted that day that then-Vice President Mike Pence was “a traitor.”

Hogan has endorsed Kelly Schulz, his former secretary of commerce, whom he thinks stands the strongest chance in their blue-tinged state.

ABC News’ Hannah Demissie and Alisa Wiersema contributed to this report.

Can Former President Donald Trump Be Re

Members of Congress walk through Statuary Hall to the Senate for the second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021, in Washington. AP

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. Is it possible that former President Donald Trump could be re-elected after being impeached twice?

Frankly, Yes. It is quite possible.

Being impeached even when it happens a historic second time is not the same as being convicted, removed from office and barred from ever running for office again.

Impeachment is the equivalent of an indictment, not a guilty verdict. The decision to convict Trump of insurrection for triggering the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol will be made by a trial verdict of the Senate. And, if there is a conviction, the decision about holding future office will be made by the Senate in a separate, later vote.

It would really take a conviction to keep him from running for federal office again, said Brian Browne, assistant vice president of government relations and an adjunct professor of political science at St. Johns University. In the absence of a conviction, he can still technically run for federal office again.

On Tuesday, the Senate voted largely along party lines, 56 to 44,to proceed with the second impeachment trial of Trump, declaring that such a trial is indeed constitutional, despite the fact that Trump is now a private citizen. Opening arguments began on Wednesday.

So, it can happen, Browne said:

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Read More About Us Politics

He serves as executive vice-president at the Trump Organization in a dual role with younger brother Eric Trump.

Trump Jr posted on Twitter on November 6 saying: “The total lack of action from virtually all of the ‘2024 GOP hopefuls’ is pretty amazing.

He also posted an image of himself in front of a banner with the words “Don Jr 2024” on Instagram just two weeks ago.

He wrote as the caption: “Hahahahaha. Oh boy. This was a sign I saw up at the Fallon Nevada Livestock Auction. This will make the lib heads explode.”

“To whomever made that thanks for the compliment but let’s get through 2020 with a big win first!!!!”

There’s also Ivanka Trump to consider.

Ms Trump now has years of administration experience serving as a White House advisor to her father.

According to the White House, in her role Ivanka: “Focuses on the education and economic empowerment of women and their families as well as job creation and economic growth through workforce development, skills training and entrepreneurship.”

She also served as an unpaid employee in the White House, saying back in 2017 when she was given the role, she had “heard the concerns some have with my advising the President in my personal capacity”.

Donald Trump Betting Odds

70% of Wall Street insiders say Trump will be re-elected: Poll

Current President Donald Trump is a controversial figure around the world, but hes finally on his way out of office. The president seems to have dodged every single impeachment-worthy bullet you could imagine and yet still remained in office for a full term. Now we look to the next election. The odds for the following markets were last updated on

2024 US Presidential Winners Odds
Kamala Harris
2024 US Presidential Party Winners Odds

The United States is currently an epicentre for the COVID-19 pandemic, and Trumps handling of the virus has been under huge scrutiny, which means the Coronavirus may have been the catalyst to the end of Trumps presidential era.

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  • The most pressing and basic political question confronting our country right now is probably this simple one: What if Donald Trump wins the election in 2024? Either by fair means or foul, what if he ends up again in the White House? What will happen in this country? We asked a number of people from both parties and across different disciplines to tell us what we might expect.

    Forget The Polls And What Some Leftists Say Democrats Know With Certainty That Trump Wins Re

    Trump beat Hillary and Biden is easier to beat. Undoubtedly.

    So I appreciate Pelosis hard work in attempting to get rid of President Trump before the end of his first term. Moreover, Pelosi invoked the Democrat playbook, as she set the stage for future disruption of President Trumps agenda. And likely election interfering. All to no avail.

    Trump is undeniably in charge. Hes even begun to talk about his second term, stating the business he plans on getting to then. Trump doesnt use these phrases lightly. He knows the polling, and he knows his opponents. But most importantly, he knows the job ahead.

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    Instead Of Analysing The Complex Reasons For Trumps Triumph The Democrats And Much Of The Trump

    Belief in their own propaganda and an obsessive hatred of Donald Trump are once again threatening to capsize those who want to stop him and the Republicans from retaking the White House and dominating Congress.

    In 2016, Hillary Clinton tried to put unrelenting focus on Trumps failings, convinced that these were so flagrant that they would alienate the majority of voters. The demonisation backfired because it gifted Trump millions of hours of free television time as his every word was covered by the media, while Clintons speeches were cut or ignored. Assisted further by Clintons comically inept campaign, Trump was able to win an election that he had expected to lose.

    Five years on and the Democrats have just been defeated at the polls in a series of closely watched elections for much the same reasons as they lost in 2016. They pursued their old strategy of portraying Trump as the source of all evil. In the Virginia gubernatorial election, in which the Democrats suffered their worst reverse, the Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe failed to win in a state carried by Joe Biden with a large majority. A former governor with an undistinguished record, he was regarded by many as a party hack close to the Clintons and with a limited appetite for campaigning. He portrayed his Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin as a dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporter, although Youngkin had distanced himself from the former president.

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    Patrick Cockburn is is Special Correspondent


    Trumps Fixation On The Past Puts His Political Future In Limbo

    The TV Ad Guaranteed to Get Trump Reelected :: Right &  Free

    But some Trump allies believe he may ultimately opt against a run, either for health reasons or, if Bidens poll numbers rebound, because he doesnt want to risk a second loss, even though he has yet to acknowledge the first defeat.

    So far, a slew of prominent Republicans have begun making overt moves to run in 2024. Whether they will abandon their own White House dreams if the former president were to run again is another matter entirely.

    Former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Sens. Tom Cotton and Ted Cruz are among those who made appearances in early voting states, and some have started securing top political consultants. Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley has hinted shed mount a bid but wouldnt run against Trump if he decides to enter the race. Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson has suggested he may run even if Trump does. And there is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has emerged as an heir-apparent to Trump and the populist MAGA movement.

    Things may be just as uncertain on the Democratic side of the ledger. If Biden opts against seeking reelection, the field may not clear out for Vice President Kamala Harris, who has yet to find her political footing in the role. Two 2020 candidates, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker , each have held recent high-profile events on hot button election topics.

    If Biden opts to seek a second term, a serious primary challenge would be unlikely.

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    Outside Bets To Win The 2024 Presidential Election

    Barring any circumstances that prevent Trump from running, he is a shoo-in to be the Republican nominee for 2024.

    At this point, he has no known health problems or hindrances that would prevent him from running. So, we can safely say that he should be the candidate for the G.O.P in two years.

    We cant say the same thing about Biden, while Harris looks unsuitable for the role. So, other than Clinton springing a surprise, some of the outside candidates to win the US presidential election in 2024 might be worth a look.

    Obama, recently voted as the most admired woman on the planet for the third year in a row, would surely garner significant support.

    At odds of +4000, she is not seen as a viable option. However, if the Democratic Party continues to sink like a stone on an iron dinghy, perhaps they will turn to the former first lady. Does it matter that Michelle Obama has no political experience at this level? No. It doesnt.

    Thats not to say that she is cut out for the job. But with minimal alternatives, she could be a good outside bet to win the 2024 US presidential election.

    Stranger things have happened, folks.

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