Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Will Donald Trump Win A Second Term

This Bible Prophecy Is Why Trump Will Get A Second Term

Will Donald Trump win a second term? | Inside Story

Many still believe President Trump is going to get a second term even after all the options have seemingly exhausted.

Where do they get their faith? We are going to discuss that in todays video

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Many people believe God is using President Trump to save America from falling into the globalist agenda

They believe God is going to use President Trump to turn America towards Him again

America like Ancient Israel is a country that was founded on biblical principles

Our Founding Fathers were all faithful servants of God.

Instead of keeping the power to themselves, they drafted the Constitution to protect this country from falling into dictatorship because they knew that only The Creator can have the absolute power, not the creations

They knew as long as we allow God to rule this country, we will be alright

However, Americans have grown lame in their faith with God over the years.

In the last two to three decades, America has allowed politicians, big media, big corporations to grow unchecked.

Some social media companies have recently decided that they have the power to BAN the President of the United States

It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see who is the one going unchecked here

These people like to use Satans favorite trick:

Please take a deep breath and collect yourself

But really?

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Us Election: Pat Robertson Predicts Trump Is Going To Win

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Donald Trump stunned the world in 2016 when he beat the odds to clinch victory from the hands of rival Hillary Clinton. The incumbent President is now in the midst of an equally heated race to the White House as he squares off against Democrat candidate Joe Biden before the November 3 election day. And although the latest polls appear to give Mr Biden a narrow lead, a psychic renowned for his work with the police has said Mr Trump’s second term in office is on the cards.

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Donald Trump Has Less Than A Week In His Office As The Us President He Practically Cannot Issue A Major Order Given The Post

US President Donald Trump is in the last week of his tenure. Donald Trump is functioning with reduced support staff as several have resigned following the Capitol siege last week. Trump still enjoys the power of the US president but cannot practically get any of his orders implemented and even if he gets it done, all orders could be withdrawn in a weeks time.

So, why the Democrats in the US Congress want to evict Donald Trump just a few days short of the end of his tenure?

Any Ideas Of What Trump Will Do After Biden Is Sworn In


Barbara Res, a longtime Trump associate who recently wrote a book about her experience working with him, speculated the President might leave the country before Mr Biden’s inauguration and perhaps pursue his own media empire.

“He could put on whatever he wants. He could say whatever he wants. It’s almost like having Twitter explode into everything else,” she said.

As for the future for Republicans, GOP consultant Mr Steel said the party would likely look to leaders who combine elements of Trump’s populist agenda with policies that appeal to a broader swath of the electorate.

“The challenge will be identifying the popular, durable, and practical parts of his agenda and marrying them to policies and arguments that appeal to the broader electorate that the party will need to win at the national level in the future,” he said.

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Is This Related In Any Way To The Lawsuits Trump Is Filing

Trumps campaign has filed a slew of legally dubious suits since election day. The purpose of these suits appears not to be to actually overturn the election results, but to try to create uncertainty and draw out the counting process.

Each state has its own deadlines for certifying election results that are then used to allocate its electoral college votes. In at least two states, Pennsylvania and Michigan, Trumps campaign is seeking to block officials from certifying results.

That certification timeline is important because federal law says that as long as election results are finalized by 8 December this year, the result is conclusive. That provides a safeguard against Congress, which is responsible for counting the electoral college votes, from second-guessing election results. By dragging out the process, the Trump campaign may be seeking to blow past that deadline and create more wiggle room to second-guess the results.

Even if that is the Trump campaigns hope, courts are unlikely to step in, Pildes said.

States are going to start certifying their vote totals beginning in less than 10 days, and there is no basis in the claims made thus far for the courts to stop that process, he said.

Why Trump Will Win A Second Term


Just because you are paranoid it doesnt mean they arent out to get you. Donald Trump is fond of making extravagant attacks on the media for peddling fake news. But while we have become familiar with Presidential hyperbole most of the TV networks in the US are unsympathetic towards him in their coverage. But does that mean the polls they commissioned are skewed? I think not. As Peter Kellner has written for this site: A pollster would go bust if they fixed their results.

As I write, most of the recent polls have shown Trump trailing his Democrat opponent Joe Biden by around ten points. There is a Rasmussen poll showing a gap of just three points. On the other hand, a Quinnipiac University Poll has Biden ahead by 15 points. It is true that due to the American electoral system last time round Trump won even though Hillary Clinton got a higher national vote share. But she was only ahead by a couple of points.

The Democrats are sure to win California and New York by huge margins. But then if they lose Texas and Florida much more narrowly they find they have millions of votes in the wrong places. Its a winner takes all system.

That would only matter in a close result. It might mean that Biden could be ahead by three or four points in vote share advancing on what Clinton achieved four years ago yet still lose. But should Biden be ahead by around ten points then he would secure a landslide.

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Gone To The White House Ha Ha Ha

The late 19th-century political environment resembled todays in many ways: tight polarised elections, strong regional patterns in national voting, relatively high voter turnout and negative campaigning.

Cleveland, a Democrat, had been governor of New York for less than two years when his party nominated him for president in 1884. As governor, he had gained a reputation for fighting Tammany Hall corruption in New York City.

During the 1884 campaign, in which Cleveland ran against Republican James Blaine, a scandal erupted when a New York woman named Maria Halpin accused Cleveland of raping and impregnating her. She was eventually institutionalized and forced to give up her child for adoption. Cleveland disputed some of the details of the story, and his supporters countered jeers of Ma, ma, where is my pa? with chants of Gone to the White House, ha ha ha.

Cleveland ended up winning the national popular vote 48.85% to 48.28% and won 219 electoral votes to Blaines 182. Clevelands base of support was in the South and in his home state of New York, while Blaine did well in the rest of the North. Voter turnout was high, estimated at 77.5% of the voting-age population.

What Have Republicans Said About Mr Trump Running In 2024

Despite the polls, can Trump win a second term? | The Bottom Line

Until a successor emerges to lead Republicans likely not until the resolution of the 2024 Republican primary Donald Trump remains the de facto head of a party that he has reshaped in his image.

Mr Trump’s former chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, said in an online interview with the Institute of International and European Affairs he could see Mr Trump running again.

“I would absolutely expect the president to stay involved in politics. I would absolutely put him on the short-list of people who are likely to run in 2024.”

“He doesn’t like losing,” he said.

Republicans outside the White House on Saturday warned that Mr Trump could tarnish his legacy if he does not eventually make a graceful exit, and erode his future political power.

“It will be impossible for him to run again in 2024 if he’s seen as a sore loser,” a Congressional Republican source told Reuters.

“Even in defeat, Donald Trump has exceeded expectations and helped other Republicans do the same,” said GOP consultant Michael Steel, who has worked on Capitol Hill and for campaigns.

“He will remain a powerful force within the party.”

Ari Fleischer is a former White House press secretary who served under former president George W. Bush.

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Certification Of Electoral College Votes

The 117th United States Congress first convened on January 3, 2021, and was scheduled to count and certify the Electoral College votes on January 6, 2021. There were 222 Democrats and 212 Republicans in the House there were 51 Republicans, 46 Democrats and two independents in the Senate. Several Republican members of the House and Senate said they would raise objections to the reported count in several states, meeting the requirement that if a member from each body objects, the two houses must meet separately to discuss whether to accept the certified state vote. A statement from the vice president’s office said Pence welcomes the plan by Republicans to “raise objections and bring forward evidence” challenging the election results.

On December 28, 2020, Representative Louie Gohmert filed a lawsuit in Texas challenging the constitutionality of the Electoral Count Act of 1887, claiming Vice President Pence has the power and ability to unilaterally decide which slates of electoral votes get counted. The case was dismissed on January 1, 2021, for lack of both standing and jurisdiction. The plaintiffs filed an appeal, and the appeal was dismissed by a three-judge panel of the appeals court the next day.

Trumps Bid To Subvert The Election

A monthslong campaign.During his last days in office, President Donald J. Trump and his allies undertook an increasingly urgent effort to undermine the election results. That wide-ranging campaign included perpetuating false and thoroughly debunked claims of election fraud as well as pressing government officials for help.

Baseless claims of voter fraud.Although Mr. Trumps allegations of a stolen election have died in the courts and election officials of both parties from every state have said there is no evidence of fraud, Republicans across the country continued to spread conspiracy theories. Those include 147 House Republicans who voted against certifying the election.

Intervention at the Justice Department.Rebuffed by ranking Republicans and cabinet officials like Attorney General William P. Barr, who stepped down weeks before his tenure was to end, Mr. Trump sought other avenues to peddle his unfounded claims. In a bid to advance his personal agenda, Mr. Trump plotted to oust the acting attorney general and pressed top officials to declare that the election was corrupt. His chief of staff pushed the department to investigate an array of outlandish and unfounded conspiracy theories that held that Mr. Trump had been the victor.

Mr. Trumps allies said the president was justified in fighting the election results even if he was not successful, citing what they deem illegitimate court decisions expanding mail-in voting.

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Transition Period Inauguration And First 100 Days

Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017. He was sworn in by Chief JusticeJohn Roberts. In his seventeen-minute inaugural address, Trump painted a dark picture of contemporary America, pledging to end “American carnage” caused by urban crime and saying America’s “wealth, strength, and confidence has dissipated” by jobs lost overseas. He declared his strategy would be “America First.” At the age of 70, Trump surpassed Ronald Reagan to become the oldest person to assume the presidency until that point and was also the first without any prior government or military experience. The largest single-day protest in U.S. history, the Women’s March, took place the day after his inauguration and was driven by opposition to Trump and his policies and views.

One of Trump’s major first year accomplishments, made as part of a “100day pledge,” was the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch as an associate justice of the Supreme Court. Despite the Republican Party holding a majority in both houses of Congress, however, he was unable to fulfill another hundred-day promise, repealing the Affordable Care Act .

Pressure On State And Local Officials


As the Trump campaign’s lawsuits were repeatedly rejected in court, Trump personally communicated with Republican local and state officials in at least three states, including state legislators, attorneys general, and governors who had supported him in the general election and continued to support him. He pressured them to overturn the election results in their states by recounting votes, throwing out certain votes, or getting the state legislature to replace the elected Democratic slate of Electoral College members with a Republican slate of electors chosen by the legislature. In late November, he personally phoned Republican members of two county electoral boards in Michigan, trying to get them to reverse their certification of the result in their county. He then invited members of the Michigan state legislature to the White House, where they declined his suggestion that they choose a new slate of electors. He repeatedly spoke to the Republican governor of Georgia and the secretary of state, demanding that they reverse their state’s election results, threatening them with political retaliation when they did not, strongly criticizing them in speeches and tweets, and demanding that the governor resign.

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