Sunday, June 30, 2024

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Why Is Cnn Against Trump

Cnn Suing Donald Trump To Let Jim Acosta Back Into White House

‘God is separating the sheep from the goats’: Trump supporter on why she remains unvaccinated

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CNN filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against the Trump administration last week following a clash between in-house reporter Jim Acosta and the President. The midterm elections last week saw Donald Trump lose considerrable ground in the White House, forfeiting the House of Representatives. When being questioned in a press statement the day after, he railed against Mr Acosta in a heated exchange which saw the reporter banned from the White House.

Trump ‘pulled The Wool Off Everyone’s Eyes’ About Racism: Cnn’s Don Lemon

Lemon’s new book “This is the Fire,” was published March 16.

What Don Lemon says to his friends about racism

CNN anchor Don Lemon wrote in his new book that former President Donald Trump was the president the country “deserved” and probably “needed” in 2016 because he exposed racism that had gone unrecognized by many white people.

Lemon’s book, “This is the Fire: What I Say to my Friends About Racism,” is a nod to James Baldwins The Fire Next Time.” In it, the anchor of “CNN Tonight with Don Lemon,” writes, “It breaks my heart and burns my tongue to say it, but in 2016, Donald Trump was exactly the president we deserved and probably the president we needed in the way you need symptoms that alert you to a disease.”

On ABC’s “Powerhouse Politics” podcast Wednesday, Lemon explained, “Here’s why I said that. Because I think we had been sort of lulled into this false sense that we were somehow living in a post-racial society — so to speak, not a completely post-racial society. We had elected a Black president, and everything was moving along swimmingly and we thought that we were going in the right direction towards progress.”

Lemon pointed to open displays of racism like the violent 2017 “Unite the Right” march in Charlottesville, Virginia, and protests at statehouses over the last year, as examples.

The book, released on March 16, discusses racism and the legacy of slavery, often weaving together Lemon’s personal experience, reporting and historical research.

President Once Enjoyed A Cosy Relationship With The Network And Praised Their Polls But This Rapidly Deteriorated After They Ran A Story On The Trump

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The first time anyone on social media noted a crowd at a political rally chanting CNN sucks! was at a rally in Santa Monica, California, after the 7 June primary in that state.

It wasnt one of Donald Trumps rallies he was back in New York City, pledging that he would soon be unveiling new derogatory information about Hillary Clinton shortly after a planned meeting between members of his campaign and a Kremlin-linked attorney .

It was a rally for Senator Bernie Sanders, whose bid for the Democratic Party presidential nomination had been out of reach for some time but which the primaries that night officially made impossible. This was before WikiLeaks released documents stolen from the Democratic National Committee showing that CNN contributor Donna Brazile had leaked a question for a town hall event to the Clinton campaign.

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Does Former President Trump Deserve Credit For Republican Wins In 2021


For the youngsters out there, once upon a time, CNN was pretty much down the middle. The fledgling network covered news real news, not fake news and worked hard to be on site wherever news was happening. When something happened, that was the place to go.

But those days are long gone. Watch any 10 minutes of CNN, and now youll see nothing more than a nonstop and often vicious diatribe against President Trump.

Under the lead of former NBC head Jeff Zucker, CNN has become a far-left network that harangues the right and praises the left, almost nonstop. News is secondary. Now its all about pushing an agenda and toeing the line for the liberal overlords.

Case in point: Harvard released a study last week that analyzed The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and the main newscasts on CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during Mr. Trumps first 100 days. No shocker here: 80 percent was negative, just 20 percent positive.

Thats a big change from the past. When the Chosen One, Barack Obama, completed his first 100 days, a similar study found that coverage was 59 percent positive, 41 percent negative. Skewed, but not that bad. The numbers were flipped for George W. Bush, of course: 57 percent negative, 43 percent positive. For Bill Clinton, way back in 1993, in the days when news was news , the coverage was 60 percent negative, 40 percent positive.

Huh. So Fox really is fair and balanced.

CNNs own journalists were even worse.

Jon Stewart’s Crossfire Appearance

Trump Wins $500 Million Libel Lawsuit Against CNN

Comedian Jon Stewart appeared on Crossfire on October 15, 2004, and criticized its format and the style of arguments presented on the show. He called hosts Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala “partisan hacks”, and asked them to “stop hurting America”. Begala argued that the purpose of the show was that it was intended as for debate, to which Stewart responded “To do a debate would be great. But that’s like saying Pro Wrestling is a show about athletic competition” and called Carlson’s signature bow-tie an example of “theater”. At one point Carlson told Stewart “I think you’re more fun on your show”, Stewart replied by saying: “You know what’s interesting though? You’re as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.” Carlson later told Stewart that, “You need to get a job at a journalism school, I think”, to which Stewart quipped, “You need to go to one”.

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Is Donald Trumps War With Cnn Personal

Shortly after 9 p.m. last night, Donald Trump launched another salvo at CNN, tweeting: Congratulations to for being number one in inauguration ratings. They were many times higher than FAKE NEWS – public is smart! CNN tweeted back that they had matched Fox in Nielsen numbers: Those are the facts.

Trumps attacks on CNN may be a response to the networks recent coverage, which Trump views as biased and unfair. But sources say there may also be a personal dimension at play: According to people close to both sides, Trump has told White House staffers that he feels personally betrayed by CNN chief Jeff Zucker.

Trump complains that Zucker should be programming CNN more favorably toward him because of their long relationship, which can be traced back to 2004 when Zucker put TheApprentice on NBC. Trump has also said to White House staffers that Zucker owes him because Trump helped get him the job at CNN.

According to CNN sources, Trumps claim that he assisted Zucker in landing the top job at the network is false. Trump seems to have gotten the idea because he praised Zucker to Turner Broadcastings then-CEO Phil Kent at a charity dinner in the fall of 2012, a few months before CNN hired Zucker. But CNN sources say Turner had already decided to hire Zucker by that point. This is entirely personal, one CNN high-level source said. Trump thinks just because hes known Jeff that CNN should be covering him like Fox News does.

Mcauliffe Mentions Trump 18 Times In 12

– Democrat Terry McAuliffe, hoping to serve a second term as Virginia governor, made it clear on Sunday he’s running against Donald Trump, who isn’t on the ballot and hasn’t actively campaigned for McAuliffe’s challenger, Republican Glenn Youngkin.

Yet in the course of his 12-minute interview with CNN’s “State of the Union,” McAuliffe mentioned Trump’s name 18 times — so often, in fact, that host Dana Bash joked, “I’m glad I have two cups here, so I can keep drinking when you mention Donald Trump’s name.”

McAuliffe said several times that he’s “running against a Donald Trump wannabee.” He accused his opponent Youngkin of wanting to do a “Donald Trump-Betsy DeVos education system,” whatever that is.

Then later in the interview, McAuliffe said: “My opponent, as you know, is a Trump wannabe who has been endorsed by Trump five times. He said so much of the reason he’s running is because of Donald Trump. But he will take money out of education, public, and put it into private. We can’t — he wants to ban abortions. He wants to go on the offense on abortions. He has said the number one issue, election integrity. He just said two days ago that he wants an audit of our voting machines. I wonder why Donald Trump hasn’t come to Virginia…”

Later, McAuliffe repeated the latter remark: “And I’m just surprised Trump hasn’t gone to Virginia yet,” he said.

The McAuliffe-Younkin race is neck and neck heading into the November election.

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Suppression Of Bahraini Protests And Reporting Of Iran And Syria

In October 2011, correspondent Amber Lyon met with Tony Maddox, president of CNN International, twice about a documentary on advances of democracy in the Middle East in which she was featured, and which was aired in the US but never by CNN Internationalthe most watched English news channel in the Middle Eastdespite a high production cost, international acclaim and awards. She claimed that during the second meeting she was threatened and intimated to stop speaking on the matter. According to a CNN employee, officials from the Bahrain regime called CNN constantly complaining about Lyon’s participation in the network. She was later laid-off.

Trump Tweets Wwe Video Of Himself Attacking ‘cnn’

‘Why did Trump not stop the riot?’: Raskin urges Senate to convict

In the edited version of the video, Trump tackles and beats up the CNN figure before getting up and walking away.

“#FraudNewsCNN #FNN,” Trump said in the tweet, which lacked any further context.

Donald J. Trump

Trump was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2013. It was unclear if he was upset over a particular segment on the cable channel from Sunday morning or just with CNN’s coverage of him in general.

The network fired back, saying in a statement that it was “a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters.”

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Steubenville High School Rape Case Coverage

Candy Crowley, Poppy Harlow and Paul Callan were criticized for being sympathetic towards the two convicted rapists in the Steubenville High School rape case and for placing very little focus on the victim on March 17, 2013. During the course of the delinquent verdict, Harlow stated that it was “Incredibly difficult, even for an outsider like me, to watch what happened as these two young men that had such promising futures, star football players, very good students, literally watched as they believed their lives fell apart…when that sentence came down, collapsed in the arms of his attorney… He said to him, ‘My life is over. No one is going to want me now.'” An online petition garnered over 200,000 signatures protesting the coverage and demanding an apology.

CNN also revealed the name of the 16-year-old victim on March 17 by broadcasting unedited footage of one of the convicted rapists’ post-conviction statements. This practice is against the Associated Press guidelines for coverage.

Essex Lorry Deaths Reports

The video clip of the press conference was immediately widely publicised and circulated on Chinese websites and social media, with many Chinese being angered by CNN’s question and praising Hua’s “appropriate” reply.Hu Xijin, editor of the Chinese newspaper Global Times and an influential news commentator on the social media, said on his Weibo that the CNN reporter was “brought into a ditch” by the Chinese public intellectuals who “seemed to collude with each other”. Hu said he wanted to remind those reporters they “should not just look at those few dissidents who hold different opinions and shouting on the Internet. Reach more to the general public in Chinese society. Don’t just listen to opinions pleasing to yourselves.” Later as the police confirmed that all victims were from Vietnam, the People’s Daily also published an online commentary criticising CNN for “violat the ethics of news reporting”, and “show its intention to tarnish China’s image without acquiring solid facts and final results from British police.”

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Cnn’s Toobin Hit With Backlash For Column Arguing Against Prosecuting Trump

CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin is facing backlash after publishing a column urging Attorney General Merrick GarlandDonald TrumpIsraeli officials say US should open consulate for Palestinians in West BankVirginia loss lays bare Democrats’ struggle with rural votersSunday shows preview: House passes bipartisan infrastructure bill Democrats suffer election loss in VirginiaMORE.

Toobin argued that while Trump’s conduct in office was “disgraceful and wrong,” there is a lack of sufficient evidence for the attorney general to pursue any criminal charges against the former president.

“One mark of modern despotism is the legal pursuit of former leaders by current office-holders, and the United States has wisely avoided this cycle throughout its history,” Toobin wrote in the column, published Monday. “To be sure, this practice has its limits, and pervasive and obvious criminality by a President should be prosecuted regardless of this tradition. But if theres a close call, restraint is the better course.”

The chief legal analyst for CNN explored five potential crimes Trump could be charged with criminally and dismissed each of them, including election fraud, conspiracy to defraud the government and inciting insurrection.

The column was met with strong backlash from several legal and political observers.

In returning to the network in June, Toobin apologized for the incident and said he would try to “become the kind of person that people can trust again.”

Trump Impeachment Coverage: Why Is Alan Dershowitz Suing Cnn

Trump Campaign Files Defamation lawsuit Against CNN Over ...

Alan Dershowitz has been a controversial figure for the majority of his life, as a defense lawyer for O.J. Simpson, Jeffrey Epstein, Julian Assange, and Harvey Weinstein. But 2020 rolled around, and Alan Dershowitz joined the legal council to represent Donald Trump in his impeachment trial.

This was extremely notable, as Dershowitz is a life-long Democrat, and supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, and has stated he would vote for Joe Biden over Donald Trump. But as Dershowitz told CNN during the impeachment, he is nonpartisan when it comes to the Constitution, and would properly represent Trump.

However, that doesnt end Dershowitzs story with CNN. Dershowitz famously argued during the impeachment hearings, The only thing that would make a quid pro quo unlawful is if the quo were in some way illegal. If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment.

CNN allegedly took this out of context, focusing on the second half of the statement. Alan Dershowitz is now suing CNN for libel, arguing CNN misrepresented his comments to imply Dershowitz would let President Donald Trump get away with anything.

The suit against CNN

According to the suit, Berman stated He says if a president is running for re-election because he thinks getting elected will help America, he can do anything, anything. And that redefines the presidency and America.

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